(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[kc][ld][od][qd][oc][bd][cf][ci] AB[cc][dd][fd][ic][mc][pc] LB[pc:1][oc:2] C[Problem 117. Black to play. In answer to Black 1, White blocks on the other side with 2. How should Black respond ? ] ;B[pd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black makes life in the corner ... ] ;W[pe];B[qc] (;W[qe] LB[qc:3] ;B[ob];W[nb];B[pb];W[nc];B[rd];W[re];B[rc] LB[oe:A] C[... with the moves to 11. White must now defend against the cut at A. <= ] ) (;W[oe] C[Variation. When Black plays 3, White could connect at 4, ... ] (;B[re] C[... but Black 5 becomes a tesuji. <= ] ) (;B[ob] C[Black could also play 5 here first, ... ] ;W[nb];B[pb];W[nc];B[re] C[... then come back and play 9. <= ] )) )