(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ch][jc][lc][oc][pc][qc][qb][qe][qf] AB[dc][cf][hc][nc][pd][pe][ne][pb] LB[nd:A][oc:2][ne:1] C[Problem 115. Black to play. In answer to Black 1, White plays 2, hoping that Black will submissively answer at A. How does Black take the initiative in this position ? ] ;B[mc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should play 1 ... ] ;W[ld];B[me] LB[kf:A] C[... and 3. aiming to attack the white stones with A. <= ] ;W[kf] C[If White defends with 4, ... ] ;B[qd];W[rd];B[rc];W[re];B[ob] LB[qd:5][rc:7] C[... Black forces with the moves to 9, ... ] ;W[rb];B[mh] C[... then jumps to 11. Black has made a beautiful sabaki. <= ] ) )