(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[kc][od][qd][ld][bd][cf][ci] AB[cc][dd][fd][ic][mc] LB[ld:1] C[Problem 114. Black to play. How does Black answer the diagonal move of White 1 ? ] (;B[pc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black hits the vital point of the one-space enclosure with 1, ... ] ;W[qc];B[oc];W[pd];B[md];W[me];B[kb];W[jb];B[lb];W[jc] (;B[nb] C[... then lives with the moves to 11. <= ] ) (;B[ib] LB[nb:@] C[Instead of @, Black could also play 11 here. <= ] )) (;B[oc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a move for special situations. ] ;W[pc] C[White answers with 2, ... ] ;B[nd] C[... and Black expands with 3. <= ] ) )