(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][bd][je][pc][qe] AB[cd][dd][dc][df][cj][hd][jc] LB[cd:1] TR[bd] C[Problem 110. White to play. In answer to the marked white stone, Black plays 1. How does White respond to this move ? ] (;W[bb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 makes good shape. ] ;B[be] C[If Black 2, ... ] ;W[db] C[... White plays 3. <= ] ) (;W[cb] C[Failure. White can live with 1 here also, but it is not good. ] ;B[be];W[ac];B[db];W[bb] C[White's territory in the corner is small. <= ] ) )