(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][je][pc][qe] AB[dc][dd][df][cj][hd][jc] LB[dc:1] C[Problem 107. White to play. Against White's invasion, Black blocks with 1. How does White respond ? ] (;W[bd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the Correct Answer. ] ;B[bf] C[Black confines White to the corner with 2, ... ] ;W[db];B[eb];W[bb];B[da];W[cb] C[... but White lives up to 7. <= ] ) (;W[cd] C[Failure. White 1 is a bad move. ] ;B[ce] C[Black blocks with 2 and, ... ] ;W[db];B[eb];W[cb];B[bd] C[... after 6, White has no room to make two eyes. <= ] ) )