(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[oc][qd] AB[jc][mc][qf][qi] C[Problem 105. Black to play. The small-knight enclosure secures the corner, but if Black has built strong positions around it, an invasion is possible. Where should Black invade ? ] (;B[pc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the point to gauge out White's base. ] ;W[pd];B[qc] (;W[od];B[rd];W[re];B[rc];W[qe];B[rf];W[se];B[ob];W[nb];B[pb] C[Up to 13, Black lives in the corner. ] ;W[nc];B[mb] C[After 15, however, White's group is eyeless and will become a target of attack. <= ] ) (;W[pb] C[Failure. White might respond with 4 ... ] ;B[qb];W[ob] C[... and 6 here. ] ;B[rd];W[re];B[rc];W[qe] C[However, after she defends with 10, ... ] ;B[od] C[... Black cuts with 11 and White's position collapses. <= ] )) (;B[at]) )