(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[je][pc][qe] AB[dd][df][cj][hd][jc] LB[je:1][hd:2] C[Problem 104. White to play. White flattens Black's moyo at the top left by exchanging 1 for Black 2. How should White continue ? ] (;W[cc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. It is urgent for White to invade at the 3-3 point. If White neglects to play here - (see Variation to this move) <= ] ) (;W[jj] C[(White 1 is played here to get 'Black to move'). ] ;B[dc] C[Black will add another stone at 2. All the territory in the top left part of the board will become Black's. <= ] ) )