(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ch][jc][lc][je][pc][qc][qb][qe][qf] AB[dc][cf][hc][nc][ne][pb][pd][pe] LB[je:2][ne:1] C[Problem 103. Black to play. After Black 1, White reinforces her stones in the center with 2. How should Black continue his operations in the top right ? ] ;B[qd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should push through and ... ] ;W[rd] (;B[rc] LB[qd:1] C[... cut with 1 and 3. However White responds, Black will gain an advantage. c<= ] ) (;B[re] C[Failure. Black suffers a loss if he cuts on the other side with 3. The reason will become clear in the next few problems. ] ;W[rf] C[White ataris with 4. <= ] ) )