(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[db][fc][hd][jd][mc][me][oe][qc] AB[cc][dd][df][cj][oc][pc][qd][pf][ph] LB[pc:1] C[Problem 102. White to play. You must also be prepared for Black's move at 1. How should White respond ? ] ;W[rd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The hane of White 1 is the correct move. ] (;B[qe] C[If Black 2, ... ] ;W[qb] C[... White lives in the corner by extending to 3. <= ] ) (;B[qb] C[Variation. If Black takes the corner with 2, ... ] ;W[qe] C[... White ataris with 3 and ... ] ;B[rc];W[pe] C[... connects with 5. Black gets the corner, but White has invaded the right side. <= ] ) )