(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[de][dc][hc][he][cj][qc][qd][qe][rf][qg][rh] AB[jc][je][pc][pd][pe][qb][rg][qf][pf][pj] LB[qb:1][re:B][rb:A] C[Problem 101. White to play. After White 3 in the Correct Answer of Problem 98, Black 1 is the vital point. If White blocks at A, Black will atari at B. What should White do ? ] (;W[sg] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capturing with 1 leaves White with good aji. ] ;B[rc];W[rd];B[sd] LB[rc:2] C[Black gets to play forcing moves with 2 and 4, ... ] ;W[re] C[... but that cannot be helped. <= ] ) (;W[rd] C[Failure. White could also respond with 1, ... ] ;B[pg] C[... but Black ataris with 2. Black is putting all his stones to good use. <= ] ) )