EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C12 K17 M17 Q17 R17 R18 R15 R14 SETUP B D17 C14 H17 O17 Q18 Q16 Q15 MARK 2@R17 1@Q16 COM Problem 100. Black to play. This time White solidly connects with 2 after Black 1. How does Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 O15 MARK \t@Q15 \t@Q16 \t@Q18 \t@R18 \t@R17 \t@R15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Again Black 1 is the vital point. Black's success can be measured by the fact that his three marked stones have forced White to make three submissive moves, shown by the three marked white stones. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 P17 COM Failure. Of course, Black would like to play 1, ... ENDCOM W 2 O15 COM ... but White would then hit him at the vital point of 2, destroying his shape. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR