EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C12 K17 M17 Q17 R18 R16 R15 SETUP B D17 C14 H17 O17 Q18 Q16 Q15 R14 MARK 2@R16 1@Q16 COM Problem 97. Black to play. What should Black do after White answers Black 1 with White 2 ? Show the next three moves. ENDCOM B 1 P17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. This problem is probably too easy. Playing atari is obvious, ... ENDCOM W 2 R17 B 3 O15 COM ... and it is common sense to make shape with 3. <= ENDCOM VAR B 3 N15 COM Failure. Black 3 is a false tesuji. ENDCOM W 4 K15 MARK B@O15 A@Q14 COM White answers by jumping to 4, but late White will come back and play A. At this point Black will wish he had played at B, the vital point in all these variations. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR