(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[lc][md][of][qe][pc] AB[ce][dd][fd][jc][od][nc] LB[of:1] TR[od] C[Problem 93. Black to play. This time White caps the marked stone with 1. How does Black answer ? ] ;B[ne] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should poke through the hole with 1. Black's shape looks bad, but White is unable to counter effectively. ] ;W[nd];B[oc];W[oe] LB[nd:2] C[If White tries to take advantage of Black's bad shape with 2 and 4, ... ] ;B[pd];W[qd];B[qc];W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[pb] LB[pe:B][nf:A] C[... Black lives in the corner with the moves to 11. Black now has moves at A and B. <= ] ) )