(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][df][ci][lc][md][mf][pc][pd][qe] AB[ce][dd][fd][jc][nc][od][oe] LB[mf:3][oe:2][pd:1] C[Problem 90. Black to play. Continuing from Problem 87, White defends at 1 and jumps to 3. How should Black answer ? ] (;B[og] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should simply jump to 1 and, ... ] ;W[qg] C[... after White defends the right side with 2, ... ] ;B[nh] C[... play the diagonal move of 3. <= ] ) (;B[qf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black could also attach at 1. ] ;W[pe] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[of];W[pf];B[og];W[pg];B[oh] C[... Black and White move down the right side with the moves to 7. White's stones on the left now fall in the shadow of Black's thick wall. <= ] ) )