(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[lc][md][pc][qe][cf][df][ci] AB[ce][dd][fd][jc][nc] LB[md:1] TR[nc] C[Problem 87. Black to play. What should Black do when White tries to enclosure the marked stone with the diagonal move of 1 ? ] (;B[od] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should answer with 1. ] ;W[ne] C[If White continues with 2, ... ] ;B[pd];W[qd];B[qc] LB[pd:3] C[... Black pushes through and cuts with 3 and 5, ... ] ;W[pb];B[of] LB[qc:5][oe:A] C[... then jumps to 7. White cannot push through at A because of the aji of 5. <= ] ) (;B[nd] C[Failure. Black 1 is bad. ] ;W[ne] (;B[oe];W[od] LB[ne:2] C[White confines the black stones to the top with 2 and 4. <= ] ) (;B[pd] C[If Black plays 3 here, ... ] ;W[qd];B[oe];W[pe];B[od];W[of] C[... the moves to White 8 follow and Black's stones are almost dead. <= ] )) )