(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][de][cj][hc][he][qc][qd][re] AB[jc][je][pc][pd][qe][rf][pj] LB[rf:3][re:2][qe:1] C[Problem 86. White to play. Black aggressively blocks with 3. How should White respond ? ] (;W[qf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should atari with 1 ... ] ;B[pe];W[rg] C[... and 3. This is the same as the Failure Diagram in Problem 83. <= ] (;B[rd];W[sf];B[rc] LB[rd:4] C[Black captures two stones with 4 and 6. <= ] ) (;B[pf] C[Black could also atari at 4. Either way, White will have no problems. <= ] )) (;W[pb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White could also play 1 here, but this is a difficult variation. <= ] ) )