(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ch][jc][lc][pc][qe][qf] AB[dc][cf][hc][nc][pe] LB[qe:2][pe:1] C[Problem 85. Black to play. Against the shoulder hit of Black 1, White responds with 2. What should Black do now ? ] (;B[pb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a brilliant move. However White answers, Black has an effective continuation. <= ] ) (;B[pd] C[Failure. Forcing with Black 1 ... ] ;W[qd];B[oc] C[... and 3 is unimaginative. ] ;W[pb] C[White's corner territory becomes large and impregnable after White descends to 4. <= ] ) )