(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[lc][pc][qe][cf][df][ci] AB[dd][ce][fd][jc] C[Problem 84. Black to play. White's three-space extension from her corner enclosure is ideal. However, Black has a strong position on the left. How should Black invade ? ] (;B[nc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should invade at 1. ] ;W[le] C[If White jumps out with 2, ... ] ;B[ne] C[... Black escapes into the center with 3. <= ] ) (;B[oc] C[Failure. Attaching with 1 ... ] ;W[pd];B[pb];W[qb];B[md];W[ld];B[me] LB[md:5] C[... and trying to escape with 5 and 7 is not good. ] ;W[mc] LB[ld:6] C[Black's shape is destroyed when White plays 6 and 8. <= ] ) )