(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jc][kd][pc][od][qe][qj] AB[cd][ec][hc][lc][oc] LB[od:1] C[Problem 81. Black to play. How should Black answer the hane of White 1 ? ] (;B[pb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The hane of Black 1 is the best response. ] ;W[pd] C[After White connects at 2, ... ] ;B[nc];W[qb];B[me] LB[nc:3] C[... Black makes shape with 3 and 5. <= ] ) (;B[nc] C[Failure. If Black immediately draws back with 1 here, ... ] ;W[pb] C[... White will descend to 2. ] ;B[me] C[This result is better for White than the one in the Correct Answer. <= ] ) )