(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][de][hc][he][cj][qc] AB[jc][je][pd][pj] LB[qc:1] C[Problem 77. Black to play. Invading at 1, the 3-3 point, when Black has a stone on the star point, is usually the vital point. In which direction should Black play ? ] (;B[pc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should block at 2 ... ] ;W[qd];B[pe] TR[je][jc] C[... and extend to 3 to make a box-like territory on the left. <= ] ) (;B[qd] C[Failure. Blocking from this side with 1 ... ] ;W[pc];B[oc];W[ob];B[nc];W[nb];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qf] TR[je][jc] C[... results in the joseki up to 11, but it leaves Black with a shallow moyo. <= ] ) )