EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C12 K17 O17 Q17 R14 H16 SETUP B D17 C14 H17 L16 M17 MARK 1@H16 COM Problem 76. Black to play. After Black 3 in the Variation Diagram of Problem 73, White attaches with 1. How does Black respond ? ENDCOM B 1 G17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should draw back with 1. Next, ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 K16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 and ... ENDCOM W 2 J17 B 3 G17 COM ... 3 are a bit inelegant, but they are playable. ENDCOM W 4 J16 B 5 K14 W 6 G16 B 7 F16 W 8 F15 B 9 E16 W 10 H13 COM The moves up to 10 are one variation. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 K16 B 3 L14 W 4 K15 B 5 L15 W 6 J13 B 7 L12 COM ... the moves to 7 can be expected. <= ENDCOM