(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[db][fc][ic][qj][rc][rd][qc][pc][pb][ob][od] AB[cc][dd][df][cj][nb][oc][nc][mc][pd][qd][qf][re] LB[oe:8] C[Problem 74. White to play. Black has omitted 8 in the Correct Answer of Problem 71. How should White continue ? ] ;W[oe] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White first exchanges 1 ... ] (;B[pf] C[... for 2, ... ] ;W[me] C[... then jumps to 3. Black is now separated into two weak groups. <= ] ) (;B[le] C[Failure. If Black jumps to 2, ... ] ;W[pf] C[... White attaches at 3. ] ;B[qe] C[If Black 4, ... ] ;W[qg] C[... White 5 captures the black stones on the right. <= ] ) )