(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jc][pc][qf][ch] AB[dc][cf][hc] C[Problem 73. Black to play. Where should Black invade White's position on the right ? ] (;B[nc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 aims at White's enclosure on the right. ] ;W[pe] C[If White defends with 2, ... ] ;B[lc];W[je];B[mf] C[... the moves to 5 are the normal development. <= ] ) (;B[lc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is also a vital point. ] ;W[nc] C[White will answer with 2 and ... ] ;B[kd] C[... Black attacks the white stone on the left with 3. <= ] ) )