(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ec][hc][ch][qj][pb] AB[cj][jc][je][pc][qc][qe] LB[pb:1] C[Problem 72. This time, in answer to White 1, Black draws back into the corner with 2. How should White continue ? ] ;W[lc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should jump all the way to 1. ] ;B[le] C[If Black caps with 2, ... ] ;W[jb] C[... White attaches with 3. ] ;B[ib] C[If Black blocks with 4, ... ] ;W[kd];B[jd];W[kb];B[ic];W[oc] C[... White plays the moves to 9. Black's moyo has been wiped out. <= ] ) )