(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pc][nc][mc][qf][pe][bd][cf][ci] AB[cc][dd][fd][jc][nd][qd] LB[pe:1] C[Problem 70. Black to play. If White defends with 1, Black has a brilliant tesuji to destroy White's corner. Where is it ? ] ;B[pb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a spectacular move. ] (;W[qc] C[If White plays 2, ... ] ;B[od] LB[pd:A][oc:B] C[... Black 3 threatens to link up with A or B. <= ] ) (;W[oc] C[Variation. If White connects with 2, ... ] ;B[qc] C[... Black can live with 3. White's corner territory is completely destroyed. <= ] ) )