(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cd][ec][ch][hc][qj][pb] AB[cj][jc][pc][qe][pd] LB[pd:2][pb:1] C[Problem 69. White to play. This time Black pulls back with 2 in answer to 1. What should White do ? ] (;W[nc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should lightly jump to 1 and, ... ] ;B[ob] C[... if Black plays 2, ... ] ;W[lc] LB[oc:A] C[... jump again to 3. White can later threaten Black with A. <= ] ) (;W[qb] C[Failure. White must not play 1 because ... ] ;B[ob] C[... Black 2 will kill her. <= ] ) (;W[ob] C[Failure. White 1 is a heavy move. ] ;B[qb];W[lc] C[After 3, ... ] ;B[nc] C[... Black 4 ... ] ;W[nb];B[mc];W[mb];B[kb] C[... to 8 will leave White with only one eye. ] ;W[lb];B[je] C[With Black 10, White is under attack and she must now find her second eye in the center. <= ] ) )