(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ch][cd][ec][hc][qj][pb] AB[cj][jc][pc][qe][oc] LB[oc:2][pb:1] C[Problem 66. White to play. White has attacked the small-knight enclosure by attaching at 1. How should White follow up his invasion after Black extends to 2 ? ] (;W[qc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White easily lives in the corner ... ] ;B[qd];W[rc] C[... with 3 ... ] ;B[ob];W[qa] C[... and 5. However, the corner territory is small and White ends in gote, so the timing in playing these moves is crucial. <= ] ) (;W[ob] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Living in the corner is small, so White might play 1 ... ] ;B[qb];W[nc] C[... and 3. ] ;B[lc] C[If Black attacks with 4, ... ] ;W[ne] LB[qc:C][qd:D][qf:B][pe:A] C[... White jumps to 5, aiming to make sabaki by attaching at A. If then Black B, White plays C, if Black D, White answers with B. <= ] ) )