(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bd][cf][ci][qf][pj][mc][qd][pc][pb] AB[dd][cc][fd][jd][nd][pd][md][qc][oc] LB[pb:7][oc:6][pc:5][qc:4][qd:3][md:2][mc:1] C[Problem 65. Black to play. White 1 and 3 are also trick moves. Black 4 and 6 are natural responses, but what does Black do after White 7 ? ] (;B[qb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should force White from the right with 1, ... ] ;W[ob];B[nb] C[... then play 3, ... ] ;W[nc] C[... inducing White to atari with 4. ] ;B[od] C[After Black connects with 5, ... ] ;W[mb];B[qe] C[... he can play 7, breaking into White's moyo on the right. White's stones at the top are still in danger. <= ] ) (;B[ob] C[Failure. Forcing on the other side with 1 is not good. ] ;W[pe];B[od];W[qb] LB[pe:2] C[White gets the corner with 2 and 4, and Black's stones at the top are overconcentrated. <= ] ) )