(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bd][cf][ci][qf][pj][nb] AB[dd][cc][fd][jd][nd][pd] LB[nb:1] C[Problem 64. Black to play. This time White invades at 1, a trick move where Black can easily go wrong. What is Black's strongest and safest response ? ] (;B[qc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 on the 3-3 point is a safe and steady move. ] ;W[lc] C[In order to get life, White must jump to 2, but ... ] ;B[ld] C[... Black confines her to the side with 3. Next, ... ] ;W[kc];B[jc];W[kd];B[ke];W[md];B[me];W[le] C[... White tries to break out into the center with the moves to 10, but ... ] ;B[lf] C[... Black keeps White confined to the top of the board with 11. White will have a hard time living. <= ] ) (;B[nc] C[Failure. This time bumping into White with Black 1 is not a good move. ] ;W[qc] C[White can jump to 2 and ... ] ;B[qd];W[ob];B[mb];W[rc] LB[ob:4] C[... skilfully live with 4 and 6. <= ] ) )