(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[qf][pj][bd][cf][ci][lc][kd] AB[cc][dd][fd][jd][nd][pd][ld] LB[kd:1] C[Problem 59. Black to play. White wedges in with 1. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[ke] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should atari from above with 1. ] ;W[kc];B[jc];W[md];B[le];W[nc];B[me];W[mc];B[oc];W[ne];B[od];W[jb];B[ib];W[ka];B[je];W[ob];B[pb];W[oa] C[White lives with the moves to 18, but ... ] ;B[nf] C[... Black's thickness in the center after 19 is overwhelming. <= ] ) (;B[kc] C[Failure. Playing atari from underneath with 1 is not good. ] ;W[ke];B[mc];W[jc];B[lb];W[kb];B[lc];W[id] C[After White 8, the three black stones on the left will come under attack. <= ] ) )