(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bd][cf][ci][id][jc][ld][qf][pj] AB[cc][dd][fd][jd][ic][me][nd][pd] LB[id:5][ic:4][jc:3][me:2][ld:1] C[Problem 58. Black to play. Black 2 gives White the chance to attach and cut with 3 and 5 on the left. With good play, however, Black can come out of this position with an advantage. How should Black play ? ] (;B[kc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should atari with 1 ... ] ;W[jb];B[hc] C[... and extend to 3. ] ;W[kd] C[After 4, ... ] ;B[je];W[lc] (;B[kf] C[... Black confines White to the side with 7. ] ;W[nb] C[White lives with 8. <= ] ) (;B[ib] LB[kf:@] C[Instead of 7 at @, Black could play here. ] ;W[kb];B[mb] C[<= ] )) (;B[jb] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black could also play 1 ... ] ;W[kc];B[hc] C[... and 3. ] ;W[je];B[hd];W[ie];B[kb];W[lb];B[mc];W[lc];B[he] C[After 11, White's group is still not alive , so Black can make further gains by attacking it. <= ] ) )