EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W B16 C14 C11 J16 K17 M16 R14 Q10 SETUP B C17 D16 F16 K16 J17 N15 O16 Q16 MARK 5@J16 4@J17 3@K17 2@N15 1@M16 COM Problem 58. Black to play. Black 2 gives White the chance to attach and cut with 3 and 5 on the left. With good play, however, Black can come out of this position with an advantage. How should Black play ? ENDCOM B 1 L17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should atari with 1 ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 K18 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black could also play 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 L17 B 3 H17 COM ... and 3. ENDCOM W 4 K15 B 5 H16 W 6 J15 B 7 L18 W 8 M18 B 9 N17 W 10 M17 B 11 H15 COM After 11, White's group is still not alive , so Black can make further gains by attacking it. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 K18 B 3 H17 COM ... and extend to 3. ENDCOM W 4 L16 COM After 4, ... ENDCOM B 5 K15 W 6 M17 B 7 L14 COM ... Black confines White to the side with 7. ENDCOM VAR B 7 J18 MARK @@L14 COM Instead of 7 at @, Black could play here. ENDCOM W 8 L18 B 9 N18 COM <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 8 O18 COM White lives with 8. <= ENDCOM