(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ld][qf][pj][qn][bd][cf][ci] AB[cc][dd][fd][jd][nd][pd][pp][np][jp][dp] LB[ld:1] C[Problem 55. Black to play. The invasion of White 1 often occurs in handicap games. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[ke] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The diagonal move of Black 1 is the strongest response. ] ;W[le] C[Black confines White to the side with the moves from 2 ... ] ;B[lf];W[mf] (;B[me] C[... to 5. This is joseki. ] ;W[lb] LB[oc:B][ic:A] C[Continuation 1. White jumps down to 6: she aims at either A or B. ] (;B[jb] C[Black 8 is best, taking the larger territory on the left. ] ;W[oc] C[With 8, White starts making two eyes at the top. ] ;B[od];W[md];B[ne];W[nc];B[pc];W[pb];B[qb];W[oa] C[The moves to 16 are joseki and White's group at the top is alive. Black is satisfied with his territory at the top left and his thickness in the center. <= ] ) (;B[nb] C[Variation. Attacking from the right with Black 7 is also possible. ] ;W[ic] C[White jumps to 8 and ... ] ;B[jc];W[jb];B[kc];W[kb];B[lc] LB[nb:7][jb:A][kc:11] C[... Black captures two stones with 11 and 13. Black's result is inferior to that beginning with Black A instead of 7. <= ] )) (;B[lg] LB[me:B][mf:4] C[Failure. When White hanes with 4, Black must cut with B (5 in the Correct Answer). Playing 5 as here is timid. ] ;W[ne] C[White gets a good result when she connects with 6. <= ] )) (;B[me] LB[ke:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Playing the diagonal move of Black 2 from the right is also correct. It often transposes into the position of the Correct Answer starting with Black A. <= ] ) (;B[jf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Jumping to 2 is also possible. ] ;W[lf] C[After White 2, ... ] ;B[og] C[... Black jumps to 3, attacking the white stones on both the right and left. If you are good at fighting, you can play this way. <= ] ) (;B[jc] C[Failure. Black 1 is overly defensive. ] (;W[lf] C[After White jumps to 2, ... ] ;B[lc] C[... Black must defend again at 3. Black has enormous power at the top, so he must not play so submissively. <= ] ) (;B[le] C[Failure. Attaching at 1 is not recommended. ] ;W[ke];B[kd];W[me];B[lc];W[lf];B[mc] C[Black can take territory at the top, but White's ponnuki gives her the strategic advantage. <= ] ) (;B[lc] C[Failure. Attaching underneath with Black 1 is also bad. ] ;W[kc] (;B[kd];W[mc];B[le];W[lb];B[md];W[jc] C[White lives at the top with the moves to 8. Black has no territory and his thickness is not very effective. <= ] ) (;B[mc] LB[lc:1] C[Very bad. Drawing back with 3 after attaching at 1 is very bad. ] ;W[kd] LB[qc:A] TR[jd] C[White connects at 4 and the marked stone has lost much of its value. White also has the option of invading at A. <= ] )) (;W[lb] LB[jc:1] C[Variation. White might respond to Black 1 by jumping to 2. ] ;B[me] C[In this case, Black will certainly play at 3. <= ] )) )