(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[hc][jd][ld][qd][pf][qj] AB[dc][ce][jc][kd][nd][oc][qb] LB[kd:1] C[Problem 52. White to play. Although it looks like a tesuji, Black 1 is a dubious move. How should White respond ? ] (;W[kc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should atari with 1 and ... ] ;B[ke];W[jb];B[lc];W[ic];B[kb] (;W[jc];B[lb];W[fc] LB[kf:B][le:A] C[... play the moves to 9 (later White can start a fight with A, Black B). <= ] ) (;W[lb] LB[jc:@] C[Instead of connecting at @, White could opt for a ko by playing at 7. This could be dangerous for Black. <= ] )) (;W[ke];B[kc];W[id];B[lc]) )