(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[hc][ic][jd][kd][ld][qd][pf][qj] AB[dc][ce][jc][kc][lc][nd][oc][qb] LB[md:A] C[Problem 49. White to play. Black has neglected to play at A. What should White do ? ] ;W[mc] LB[md:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Neglecting to play at A is a mistake, since White will hane with 1. ] ;B[mb] C[Black has no choice but to submissively link up with 2 ... ] ;W[md];B[nb] C[... and 4, ... ] ;W[ne] C[... after which White becomes thick in the center when she plays 5. <= ] ) )