(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][ic][kd][nd][nc] AB[dd][df][id][oc][pd][pf] LB[ic:2][id:1] C[Problem 48. Black to play. White attaches at 2, aiming to make sabaki. How should Black respond ? ] ;B[hc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should block at 1. ] ;W[hd] C[White then crosscuts with 2, the usual way of making sabaki. But, ... ] ;B[gd] C[... Black counters White's plan by playing atari with 3 ... ] ;W[he];B[ib] TR[id] C[... and 5, discarding his marked stone. ] ;W[jc];B[gc] LB[cc:A] C[Black is thick on the left, it will be hard for White to invade the corner at A. <= ] ) )