(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][he][hc][nc][pc][qb] AB[dd][fd][ff][kc][qc][pd][pf][qj] LB[qb:1] C[Problem 44. Black to play. How should Black answer White 1 ? ] ;B[oc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black must not passively play as in Problem 41. Instead he should take the initiative by playing 1. ] ;W[pb] (;B[od] C[If Black wants thickness, he can play the joseki from 3 to ... ] ;W[ob];B[nd];W[mc];B[le] C[7. <= ] ) (;B[ob] C[Variation. If Black wants profit in the corner, he will block at 3. ] ;W[od];B[nb];W[nd];B[mb];W[pe];B[qd];W[qe];B[re];W[qf];B[rf];W[qg];B[rb] C[The moves to 15 are also joseki. Black can make a deep invasion if he knows these josekis. <= ] ) )