EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W K19 K18 K17 L17 M16 N15 P16 Q17 R17 SETUP B D17 C15 J17 J18 L18 M18 N17 N16 S17 R16 S15 Q14 MARK 2@K19 1@J18 COM Problem 43. Black to play. White stops Black from linking up by descending to 2. What should Black do ? ENDCOM B 1 O15 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black should play 1, isolating the three white stones on the right. ENDCOM W 2 O16 COM If White cuts with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 O18 COM ... Black makes shape with 3. ENDCOM W 4 M15 COM White must defend with 4, but, ... ENDCOM B 5 P15 COM ... after 5, the four white stones on the right are dead. <= ENDCOM