(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ic][md][nc][mb][od][kd] AB[dd][gc][oc][pc][qd][qf][jb][jd][lc] LB[jd:3][kd:2][jb:1] C[Problem 42. White to play. How does White respond to Black 3 ? ] (;W[jc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should push through with 1 and ... ] ;B[kc];W[ld];B[ib];W[hc];B[hb];W[je] LB[id:A] C[... play the moves to 7. This is joseki. Black can still play A, leading to a complicated fight. <= ] ) (;W[pe] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White can avoid complications by first exchanging 1 ... ] ;B[qe] C[... for 2 ... ] ;W[jc] C[... before playing 3. ] ;B[kc];W[ke];B[ib];W[hc];B[hb];W[ie] LB[ld:A] C[This defends against Black pushing through at A after White 9. White gets nice thickness with the joseki to 9. <= ] ) )