(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cf][hc][nc] AB[dd][fd][kc][pd][pf][qj] LB[kc:1] C[Problem 41. White to play. Black has invaded deeply with 1. How should White play ? ] ;W[he] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should first exchange 1 ... ] ;B[ff] C[... for Black 2, ... ] ;W[pc] C[... then attach with 3 ... ] ;B[qc];W[qb] C[... and 5, ... ] ;B[rb] C[... hoping to lure Black in to playing 6. ] ;W[ke] C[White then caps the black stone with 7. <= ] ;B[ld] C[Running away with 8 is natural, but ... ] ;W[le];B[md];W[qd] C[... then White switches to the corner and ... ] ;B[rc];W[pe];B[od];W[nd] LB[qd:11][pe:13] C[... forces with 11, 13, and 15. ] ;B[oe];W[ne] C[After White 17, the black stones in the center are trapped. <= ] ) )