(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ic][md][nc][od][mb] AB[dd][gc][lc][jb][oc][pc][qd][qf] LB[jb:1] C[Problem 36. White to play. How does White respond to Black 1 ? ] (;W[kd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the only move. <= ] ) (;W[ib] C[Failure. Preventing Black from linking up with 1 fails. ] ;B[jc];W[id];B[ke] LB[jc:2] C[Black plays 2 and 4 and the white stones on both sides come under siege. <= ] ) (;W[jc] C[Failure. ] ;B[kc];W[ib];B[ke] C[<= ] ) )