(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ic][mb][nc][md][od] AB[dd][gc][jd][lc][oc][pc][qd][qf] C[Problem 33. White to play. How does White answer Black 1 ? ] (;W[jc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the only move. ] ;B[kc];W[kb];B[lb];W[la] C[Up to 5, White has linked up with her allies on the right. ] ;B[jb];W[ka];B[id];W[ib];B[hc] LB[le:A] C[Later, White can aim at A. <= ] ) (;W[id] C[Failure. Pushing up with 1 ... ] ;B[jc];W[je];B[ib];W[hb];B[jb];W[hc];B[ke] C[... results in the moves to 8. The white stones on the right now come under attack. <= ] ) )