(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][jd][nc][ld][je][kc] AB[dd][df][pd][pf][lc][kd][ke] LB[ld:2][lc:1][je:6][ke:5][kc:4][kd:3] C[Problem 32. Black to play. When Black wedges in with 3, White ataris from underneath with 4. How does Black answer White 6 ? ] ;B[md] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Although his position looks precarious, Black has nothing to fear. Black ataris with 1 ... ] ;W[le];B[kf] C[... and extends to 3. Before White does anything else, she must resolve the problem of the ladder. ] ;W[me] C[White must escape the ladder by playing 4. ] ;B[jc];W[kb];B[ic] LB[jc:5] C[Now Black forces with 5 and 7, ... ] ;W[lb] LB[kb:6] C[... forcing White to play 6 and 8. ] ;B[gd] C[Finally, Black plays 9 for an excellent result. <= ] ) )