EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W F17 K16 O17 M16 K15 L17 SETUP B D16 D14 Q16 Q14 M17 L16 L15 MARK 2@M16 1@M17 6@K15 5@L15 4@L17 3@L16 COM Problem 32. Black to play. When Black wedges in with 3, White ataris from underneath with 4. How does Black answer White 6 ? ENDCOM B 1 N16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Although his position looks precarious, Black has nothing to fear. Black ataris with 1 ... ENDCOM W 2 M15 B 3 L14 COM ... and extends to 3. Before White does anything else, she must resolve the problem of the ladder. ENDCOM W 4 N15 COM White must escape the ladder by playing 4. ENDCOM B 5 K17 W 6 L18 B 7 J17 MARK 5@K17 COM Now Black forces with 5 and 7, ... ENDCOM W 8 M18 MARK 6@L18 COM ... forcing White to play 6 and 8. ENDCOM B 9 G16 COM Finally, Black plays 9 for an excellent result. <= ENDCOM