(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jc][nc][pb] AB[dd][gc][pd][qc][pf] C[Problem 31. Black to play. The white stones are overextended. Black has to attack now. How should he play ? ] ;B[lc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the invasion point. This urgent move takes priority over all others. ] ;W[lb] C[If White attaches with 2, ... ] ;B[kb];W[kc];B[mb] LB[kb:3] C[... Black plays 3 and 5. ] ;W[ld] C[White tries to link up with 6 to ... ] ;B[mc];W[md];B[nb];W[oc] C[... 10, but ... ] ;B[nd] C[... Black cuts with 11, catching three white stones. <= ] ) )