(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[fc][jd][nc][ld] AB[dd][df][pd][pf][lc] LB[ld:2][lc:1] C[Problem 29. Black to play. What should Black do when White attaches at 2 ? ] ;B[kd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Against White's attachment you should remember Black's wedge in at 1. This is Black's strongest reply. ] ;W[ke] C[If White blocks at 2, ] ;B[kc];W[md];B[jc];W[id];B[hb];W[gd];B[mb] C[... Black lives up to 9 and ... ] ;W[nb];B[pb] C[... takes the corner with 11. White's compensation is her wall in the center, but it has cutting points at which Black can aim. <= ] ) )