(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jc][kd][nc][nd] AB[dd][hc][lc][oc][pd][pf] LB[kd:2][lc:1] C[Problem 28. Black to play. White counters Black's invasion with the diagonal move of 2. How does Black respond ? ] ;B[ld] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black plays 1 and ... ] ;W[le] (;B[me] C[... cuts with 3. ] ;W[md] (;B[lb] LB[nb:B][jb:A] C[Black 5 is a steady move, threatening to link up his stones at A or B. <= ] ) (;B[ke] C[Black 5 here is also possible. <= ] )) (;B[ke] C[Variation. Black can also cut at 3 here. ] ;W[je];B[kf];W[me];B[lb] LB[me:6][je:4] C[After White plays 4 and 6, Black again descends to 7. <= ] ) )