(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ic][nd][nc] AB[dd][gc][oc][pd][pf] C[Problem 21. Black to play. Even when White has the two stones on the right, the four-space extension is a bit wide. Where does Black invade ? ] (;B[ld] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 shows good go sense. ] ;W[lb] C[If White tries to link up her stones with 2, ... ] ;B[kc];W[kb];B[jc];W[jb];B[id] C[... Black presses her in a low position with the moves to 7. <= ] ) (;B[lc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black could also invade deeply with 1. ] ;W[kd];B[me];W[md] LB[kd:2] C[However, White can confine Black to the side with 2 and 4. ] ;B[ld];W[le] C[This will lead to an all-out fight. <= ] ) )