(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[jc][kc][lb][ld][md][nc] AB[dd][hc][kb][lc][mc][mb][pd][pf][qj] LB[md:6][mc:5][ld:4][mb:3][kc:2][kb:1] C[Problem 19. Black to play. This time Black hanes from the other side and the moves continue to 6. What should Black do now ? ] ;B[nd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a good move, ... ] ;W[nb];B[la] (;W[pc];B[od];W[qc] C[... even when White can live in the corner with the moves to 6. ] ;B[jb] C[After Black 7, ... ] ;W[je] LB[rd:A] C[... White must fix up her shape by playing at 8, while Black A is sente. Black is satisfied with this result. <= ] ) (;W[na] C[Variation. If White wants to attack on the left, she will play 4 here. ] ;B[ma];W[jb];B[oc];W[ne];B[od] LB[ja:B][ia:A] C[The moves continue up to 9, and Black gets a large profit in the corner. However, a white move at A or B, threatening Black's stones on the left and right, could later become troublesome. <= ] ) )