EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W K17 L17 M18 M16 N16 O17 SETUP B D16 H17 L18 M17 N17 N18 Q16 Q14 R10 MARK 6@N16 5@N17 4@M16 3@N18 2@L17 1@L18 COM Problem 19. Black to play. This time Black hanes from the other side and the moves continue to 6. What should Black do now ? ENDCOM B 1 O16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a good move, ... ENDCOM W 2 O18 B 3 M19 W 4 Q17 VAR W 4 O19 COM Variation. If White wants to attack on the left, she will play 4 here. ENDCOM B 5 N19 W 6 K18 B 7 P17 W 8 O15 B 9 P16 MARK B@K19 A@J19 COM The moves continue up to 9, and Black gets a large profit in the corner. However, a white move at A or B, threatening Black's stones on the left and right, could later become troublesome. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 5 P16 W 6 R17 COM ... even when White can live in the corner with the moves to 6. ENDCOM B 7 K18 COM After Black 7, ... ENDCOM W 8 K15 MARK A@S16 COM ... White must fix up her shape by playing at 8, while Black A is sente. Black is satisfied with this result. <= ENDCOM